Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the club will be on Friday 4th April 2025. The committee will stand down and elections take place. This will be a short form AGM as in previous years, followed by musical entertainment from Michael Lack.
There is an opportunity for any member to express views and opinions and to put forward proposals. If any member would like to do this would they please put their proposals in writing, preferably by email to the Secretary - Any suggestions would be welcome and are required to be submitted before the committee meeting on the 12th March
We are always on the lookout for new committee/activity leaders so if you think you could help please contact any committee member.
Day trip to Painshill Gardens, nr. Cobham, Surrey. Created in the 18th century by Charles Hamilton as a living painting, Your day includes a deluxe sandwich lunch with tea/coffee, a brief talk and time to visit these beautiful 160-acre lake/woodlands/gardens/
Thursford Xmas Spectacular. Thursday 13/14TH November
Afternoon matinee tickets at Thursford; Overnight stay at Best Western Knights Hill, Kings Lynn (spa hotel) with bed breakfast and evening meal; plus a shopping stop on the way home. £245 per person (including tip for the driver). Deposits of £68.00 pp required ASAP. A few single rooms with no supplement.
For details contact Carole on 07736104764.
For all activities and events please see the Newsletter tab and the Calendar heading.
Coxheath and Loose Active Retirement Association (CALARA) is a club for retired members aged 50+ living in the
Coxheath and Loose Area.
We normally meet at Coxheath Village Hall ME17 4PT
We are a club for Active members having a variety of regular and occasional activities.
Monthly we hold a general meeting with speakers and entertainment and a chance to meet up and perhaps book an activity or trip.
We have a variety of Weekly activities - see Activities page.